Mitsky Devrone

  • Origin: Sirdabi
  • Heritage: Razmani and Tessouare
  • Age: 22
  • Eye color: topaz
  • Hair color: pitch black
  • Skin color: tawny
  • Size: 67in / 160lb


Of Razmani blood, this somewhat lean gentleman stands at an unremarkable average height for his people and has pulled his pitch-black hair back into a multitude of well-kept dreadlocks interwoven with numerous charms: decorative shells, glossy beads, and glistening stones add a kaleidoscope of colors to his appearance. His stare is keen and observant, locked beneath strong eyebrows and richly colored a burnt-orange topaz hue. His nose is sharp, situated attractively on a face that holds cheekbones sharper than typical of his people, suggestive of a mixed heritage. Often, a light stubble coats his jawline, and a smile reveals pearly-white teeth perfectly cared for. Although he is not a small fellow, his build lacks musculature and suggests a non-labor-intensive lifestyle. He appears to be in his early twenties.