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Hey there!

posted by Halima

Posts: 19
Hey there! 1 of 1
Jan. 20, 2024, 6:28 p.m.

Hey there folks! I’m happy to be playing this game with you all, it’s been a blast so far! Very excited to see how all the characters’ stories play out, there’s a very vibrant cast from what I’ve seen! I really appreciate that the game values character types that are usually seen as more ‘mundane’ roles, putting an emphasis on personal struggles and character development. I think that kind of focus makes all kinds of characters more interesting in an RP game, and I’m very excited to see how everyone’s characters interact with and react to the world!

As a side note, I’m also really glad that the game puts less of an emphasis on being on all the time, allowing for and even encouraging taking some time away. I think sometimes games fall into the trap of having player characters constantly being involved with every little thing, which aside from being unhealthy can also detract from the story. Plot needs some space to breath, just like people! 

Jan. 20, 2024, 6:28 p.m.