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Hello future friends (and perhaps enemies)!

posted by Rahin

Posts: 1
Hello future friends (and perhaps enemies)! 1 of 1
Jan. 21, 2024, 2:41 a.m.

Hey all. Just writing this quick from bed before I crash for the night, so apologies if it ends up incoherent. Had a genuine blast tonight meeting some of you and getting to experience even a drop of all that's to come. I'm super excited to see where everyone's stories go and the cool narratives we create together. I'm relatively new to muds and writing in general so, hopefully you'll bear with me as I get situated, and I hope one day I come to write as evocative, immersive, and yet concise emotes as some of the ones I witnessed tonight. Genuine writers out here, it's intimidating yet inspiring all the same. The rate at which some of you seemed to have absorbed the lore as well has my head spinning, but I'll get there.

To those I encountered, thanks for a great introduction, and to those I didn't, I hope we remedy that in the near future.

Jan. 21, 2024, 2:41 a.m.