Help Topic: Logs

Category: Story -- You must be alive to use this command.

Roleplay logs will be automatically recorded for you, and you can look them up on the website
under your profile -- or you can check them in-game.

Usage for older logs:
logs title <current log title> = <new title>
logs view <log title>

Usage for current log:
log look (add a 'look' recording into the current log - normally the log will not record)
log title (title the current log that is running)
log note (add an on-the-spot note to the current log)
log view (optional "last" which will only show the last 7 lines, can also use alias 'lgl')

The 'lgl' command is really useful to see what just happened if you were reading help files or
looking around in the middle of roleplay, or if your connection dropped. To easily remember it,
you can use 'history' too. Remember it only shows what you saw.

When you title a log, it will be saved. Otherwise the log will be purged eventually.

In order to add a plot note to its very own specific log, you can check your PLOT NOTES for
the exact number of that note and make a fresh log for it like so:

Usage for logging plot notes:
log plot <number>

Sometimes you might want a fresh log, for a specific planned event or any other reason.

log new <optional title>

If you want to combine your last two logs into one log, you can use the special
'combine logs' command. This is solely for this specific situation and is made to cover cases
when someone might get disconnected in the middle of roleplaying, and for whatever reason
when they log back in their old log does not resume smoothly. This could be because the old
log was their first ever login, or because they got disconnected at midnight and reconnected
after midnight on the next day. Either way, COMBINE LOGS will work to connect the last two
logs into one.

You can also split a log into two logs using LOG SPLIT with the line that shows where you
want the logs to be split. That line will be included in the second log. It's best to
specify the beginning of the line.

combine logs
log split <line>

log split You walk east through a rocky arch into a mossy cave.

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