Help Topic: Write

Category: Communication -- This command cannot be used in combat.

While illiteracy is a possibility in Avaria, a single point in Education
will grant the ability to read and write. Even for illiterates, however,
paper can have certain functions.

You can use the papermote command to set a description on a piece of paper
that will show up when it is looked at. This can be used for crumpling
up a note and tossing it in the mud, or for folding paper animals, or
for noting about certain stains on the pages. This can be done for the
object as a whole only. If you'd like to specify effects for specific
paragraphs or pages, you can include that in the writing.

papermote <object> as <description>

Most pieces of parchment have at least 2 pages, a front and a back. To
turn pages, you can turn the object to go to the next page, turn back to
go to a previous page, or flip to a specific page number.

turn <object>
turn back <object>
flip <object> to <page number as 1, 2, 3, etc>

You can read and write on the current page up until it is full. Each time
you write, it will add a new paragraph to the page. You will need a quill
dipped in ink or other writing tools in order to write, and will write in
whatever language you are currently speaking.

dip <quill> in <ink>
write <object> <written paragraph>
read <object>
analyze <object>

Analysis of an object will give a more detailed look at the handwriting
and language on the open page.

If you want to have a non-linguistic bit of writing on your page, such as
'there is a bunch of angry scribbling here'... you can include it by
enclosing it in double asterisks, like so:

write <object> ** There is a bunch of angry scribbling! **

This will allow people to understand this paragraph without worrying
about linguistic translations, but it shouldn't be used for art that
people wouldn't need to read at all. This will show up when the object
is read.

Sometimes, you may wish to erase what you have written. You can cross out
just a paragraph on a page, or clean the whole page. Erasing just one
paragraph will show that it has been erased, but it will not require you
to rewrite the entire page.

erase <object>
erase paragraph <number> <object>

You can also use the paint or sketch commands to describe art that has
been done on a page. This will take into account your art skill rather
than your education.

paint | sketch <object> <art description>

Art is independent of the writing on a page, and there can be writing
along with art. Art can be seen at a look, and doesn't need to be read.
You will need supplies to make art, such as paint or a dipped quill.

If you have multiple single parchments in your hands, you can stack them
into a sheaf. You can get pages out of a sheaf or put them back in as if
it was a regular container, and you can also read and shuffle the pages
as if it was an unbound book.

If you have a book, you can tear a page out of it. You can also glue
pages into books, so long as you are not trying to glue a large
sheet of parchment into a small book. Both the tearing and gluing
command will act upon the current page of the book.

tear <book>
glue <parchment> on <book>

Lastly, a single sheet of parchment can be folded to only show the
writing on one side of the page. This way you can write a letter,
fold it, and write the person it's addressed to on the outside.

fold <item>
unfold <item>

You can stamp a seal onto a page or a sheaf or a single parchment,
and if you seal a folded parchment, unfolding it will break the seal.
The stamping stage is optional in this case but it could impart a
sigil or other symbol into the sealing wax.

light wax
seal <item>
stamp <item> with <stamp>

As might be expected, customizations like handwriting and signatures
can be important. Check 'help handwriting' and 'help sign' for more

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